After securing the IT structure at Copagro, it now focuses on using EZ-base in her business operations. Goal is to utilize the database in such a way that maximum results can be obtained from the already available functionalities.
This summer the analysis of the new web shop will start and i twill as soon as possible be linked to EZ-base. The new catalogue will also be put together using EZ-base.
Copagro has started notifying all its suppliers and members in order to gain more attention for EZ-base. Soon also the most significant wholesalers will receive a letter about this project.
A full time employee is dedicated to this project. We wish her the best of luck and offer our support if requested.

Copagro is the distribution market leader in de Benelux in non-paint, paint & deco for the professional and decorator. Representing 37 wholesalers and a total of 148 selling points, its ambition is to offer painters and decorators the right product for a competitive price and the best service.