Mavis, robust ERP solution for the Technical Wholesale Trade.
The whole exceeds the sum of its components.

The added value of our software for your technical wholesaler.


Development driven by technical wholesaler

Our software is developed continuously. The direction is partly determined by the greatest wishes within the technical wholesale trade. We will actively ask for your input. We will then get to work on it.


Process optimisation within the technical wholesale trade

Internally, we know exactly how a technical wholesaler operates and we adjust our software accordingly. Our consultants can therefore also provide customised training.


All administration digitally and integrated

All administration is recorded digitally. Pen and paper will no longer be needed. All information is integrated and therefore only has to be entered once.


Complete efficiency in the warehouses

Wholesalers buy many articles every day. These must all be made ready for dispatch. With our software as support, this process runs optimally.


Webshop possibilities

There are possibilities to open up the information from Mavis in a webshop. We outsource this to our regular partner Dimerce.


More information and success stories can be found at:


Contact details
Aalsbergen 12
6942 SE  Didam

T: +31 (0)316-29 69 00
